One memory both Jacky and myself have of Jill was how kind she was when we started married life in Ipswich. Jill acted like our 'local' mum.
Jacky and David
8th August 2024
Dearest Jill in my thoughts and prayers today and always. Jill was a wonderful friend, and such happy memories of our Botswana days, a lifetime of memories, and a great friend to have for a new Mum, in those days, you were always there! Remembering Mervyn, and your wonderful address! Carry on camping! All the fun and laughter.Never forgotten.
Avril (Horton) and all my family
6th August 2024
On behalf of the Hunnaball family we would like to share with you this memorial tribute to Jill.
Thank you to everyone who makes a donation to the nominated charity and leaves messages and thoughts.
We hope you find comfort when visiting this memorial tribute and please remember it will always be here for anyone to visit whenever they would like.
Sent by Trevor Hunnaball, Chairman